524. Scientists publish…
524. Scientists publish…

524. Scientists publish…

Vienna 09/11/2023

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We can condemn researchers who sell their knowledge to the system and use an imposed narrative. It’s called: scientific prostitution. This also includes television “experts” on a single disease. In their publications they deliberately refrain from arguments that are uncomfortable for the conspiracy – without the word “theory”! Instead, they only select those research results that fit the given concept.

This story is not as old as time. Science only accelerated its development during the Enlightenment, but then this area of manipulation also found its place in scientific publications. A famous example is the cholesterol lie. In the 1980s, one such bogus study was published about the effects of human cholesterol levels on heart disease. If you ask why this was done, there is only one answer: changing the permissible cholesterol level from 300 to 200 mg/dl led to over a billion people in the world becoming “sick” in one day. Most of them accepted the harmful statins prescribed by the doctor without hesitation, only to develop a disease in the future that could be called a pharmacological transaction. Are you interested in evidence? I recommend Uffe Ravnskov’s well-documented book, The Cholesterol Myths: Exposing the Fallacy that Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease.

Book cover.

Last Tuesday, The Free Press published the article I Left Out the Full Truth to Get My Climate Change Paper Published. Author Patrick Brown is a postdoctoral researcher and co-director of the climate and energy team at the Breakthrough Institute in Oakland, California, USA.

As I have written before, corrupt scientists can rightly be condemned. If we learn from one of them about the mechanisms of manipulation of scientific research, then, in my opinion, it is worth examining this knowledge, which rarely comes to the surface from the depths of the universal hypocrisy that exists in the editorial offices of prestigious scientific publications such as “ Nature” and “Science” prevails. Read the article cited above. Really worth knowing more.

That is why scientists most often live with their mothers.

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Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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