684. What do we eat?
684. What do we eat?

684. What do we eat?

Vienna 04/27/2024

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A purely rhetorical question. Most of us know that we eat proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These are the three most important ingredients in food. Food manufacturers add additional ingredients. Is it for our good? Let’s beware of self-proclaimed philanthropists! These additives include microplastics, crushed cockroaches and beetles. There are also chemical substances that improve the appearance, taste and attractiveness of the products sold.

In January 2024, the London-based journalism platform MailOnline published an article: Scientists found that 90% of all burgers, steaks, chicken and plant-based foods contain cancer-causing microplastics. This is one of many similar articles about food poisoning from microplastics.

… average of 240,000 nanoparticles in a one-liter bottle of water, compared to 5.5 per one liter of tap water. The question arises: Maybe the packaging of this water, i.e. the plastic bottle, is the source of these nanoparticles? And what can we do here? We are not completely helpless. Watch the video below to learn how to check food at home.

We can easily see if the manufacturer has added plastic grains to the rice. In such a situation, the question arises less and less: Who wants to check this? More and more of us are realizing that only simple, independent food testing can help us avoid serious body poisoning.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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