670. Four years of global conspiracy
670. Four years of global conspiracy

670. Four years of global conspiracy

Vienna 03/29/2024

Entire blog as a free PDF eBook.

Tomorrow it will be four years since I wrote my first article on this blog. My original idea was to counteract the irrational scaremongering of politicians in the media. Why “irrational”? Because – at least I believe – the task of politics is to contain the crisis, not to cause it. In such a case, reassurance combined with rational action would be a logical reaction. Here, however, we were dealing with conscious fear.

Some will probably say that the global conspiracy didn’t start four years ago, and they will be right. Planning for a takeover of power by a group of oligarchs began over 100 years ago. The milestones were two events: the sinking of the false Titanic in 1912 and the creation of a private organization, the Federal Reserve, in 1913 to control the U.S. dollar financial system.

Of course, no one planned a viral pandemic 100 years ago, for the simple reason that the concept of a virus did not exist then and was introduced much later without scientific evidence. The virus is a very useful, if completely false, explanation for the causes of diseases such as flu, mumps, measles and for the emergence of new false diseases such as HIV or symptomatic-asymptomatic Covid.

The credit-based financial system introduced then requires continuous economic expansion and must sooner or later lead to collapse. The collapse that awaits us in the near future was not planned by these oligarchs. The collapse of money will be a consequence of economic laws. Today we live with the conviction that one day we will wake up and all banks will separate themselves from their customers with a barred barrier. It’s getting even easier to turn off ATMs. This is inevitable and the organizers of the conspiracy want to exploit the resulting chaos to take control of the entire world.

All geopolitical analyzes are based on the now outdated assumption that the world is divided into three Orwellian powers that maintain the status quo in the world through changing coalitions, always 2 against 1. Today’s geopolitics should not be limited by state borders. Global plutocrats do not care about political borders and operate all over the world.

The creation of the BRICS bloc of countries is a real and very important event in world history. This constellation is becoming an increasingly important economic and political force in the world. However, we should not pretend that a superpower-dominated bloc leading the way in imposing a totalitarian social credit system will save us from the globalists. We might as well expect Alibaba to stand up to up to 40 robbers if they want to rob someone.

We also have Putin – a graduate of the YGL (Young Global Leaders) training in Dawos. He introduces all aspects of the Great Reset in Russia. The war in Ukraine is also a useful tool for the globalists. However, Russia is likely to lose this war if we continue on this path. Maybe they didn’t quite understand each other?

The earth is round!

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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