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130. Japan without a pandemic
130. Japan without a pandemic

130. Japan without a pandemic

Vienna 11/03/2021

Entire blog as a PDF eBook.

On October 27, the American Internet platform Hal Turner Radio Show from New York, independent of the major media, published a very interesting article about the Japanese way out of the impasse of the worldwide viral hysteria.

… in September the head of the Tokyo Medical Society appeared on national television asking doctors to use ivermectin. They also. A little over a month later and COVID is almost non-existent in Japan!

All Scandinavian countries, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden have suspended the use of Moderna’s preparations for younger age groups. The decision was made because of the increased risk of side effects such as myocarditis and pericarditis.{ Link to CBS News }.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced on Thursday, September 23rd, 2021 that new preliminary data from Scandinavian countries confirm the agency’s July warning of an inflammation of the heart called myocarditis and pericarditis, which sometimes follows the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

This is what happened in Japan:

  • Deaths from COVID-19 vaccinations were investigated through September;
  • At that time, vials of Moderna were examined under the microscope. A metallic “magnetic” material was found in it;
  • Shortly afterwards, the Japanese Minister of Health announced that doctors could prescribe ivermectin;
  • A month later, the Western press was shocked to learn that COVID was almost gone from the island.

If our government really wanted to end COVID, if that was its real goal, it would have done what Japan did.

So if our government doesn’t do what Japan did now after JAPAN DEFEAT COVID-19, what does that tell us about our government?

As in most cases, the conspiracy theorists were right! This contradicts the official narrative that the government is trying to fight infection with viruses.

We now have a historical precedent for when a government does the right thing and wins. If our government doesn’t, it’s because this genetic experiment is about something other than the public good.

Hmmmm. What could it be? How about totalitarian control?

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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