582. Viktor Orban’s fight
582. Viktor Orban’s fight

582. Viktor Orban’s fight

Vienna 11/26/2023

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This year it was 30 years when Viktor Orban was sitting in the lecture hall and maybe even in a bank by Angela Merkel, Tony Blair or Nicolas Sarkozy. He was one of 190 graduates of future globalists. He belonged to the first group of the Global Leaders of Tomorrow, which was trained in Davos by Klaus Schwab forge of politicians. You can check it on the list of participants. In 2004 the Global Leaders of Tomorrow changed their name for Young Global Leaders.

At that time (1993) Viktor Orban was an activist of the Hungarian National Conservative Party, the Association of Young Democrats (Fidesz). Let me speculate here because I have no evidence that, like many of these 190 students, he used his contacts with globalists to achieve the position of the Prime Minister in Hungary. It is easy to fall into the trap of a black and white view of the world. Since he has undergone the training of globalists, he has been one of them. Fortunately, the world is not that easy. There are other ways and Viktor Orban has gone.

His clear motive for action is the well -being of the nation in Hungary. Today we will not find many politicians who actually pursue such goals. Patriotism not only searches for the enemies of home and fights against them. It is definitely smarter to look for allies – even among representatives of other nations and a common fight with forces who try to destroy nation states.

There is apparently a contradiction to the ideas that were conveyed in training in Davos. Naturally. However, Viktor Orban is not a puppet that you will fill with worldwide ideas that then fanatically support these utopias because they have helped them to increase the position of the Chancellor, the Prime Minister or President of the State. The worst enemy is a former friend. From the perspective of the globalists, Viktor Orban is perceived in this way. He knows the goals and mechanisms of the clicks from the World Economic Forum in Davos perfectly.

Viktor Orban rejects every opportunity to join Ukraine into the European Union – “Light Years share”.

On Wednesday, an article appeared on the Vienna platform “Der Status”: We are not slaves from Soros debt. Source.

More specifically, the draft law that the government has now presented will criminalize foreign financing of election campaigns. At the same time, a new authority to control NGOs is to be set up. The country’s “Law for the Protection of Sovereignty” “puts a stop to all electoral fraud and provides for penalties of up to three years in prison for anyone who uses funds from abroad in the election campaign”.

The above photo is not of George Soros because he was 14 years old at the end of World War II.

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Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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