227. Plan
227. Plan

227. Plan

Vienna 6/03/2022

Entire blog as a PDF eBook.

I receive information from my readers that what I am writing raises additional concerns about what is going on in the world. The reason why I started writing this blog in March 2020 was precisely to counteract the artificially driven feeling of anxiety.

The topics I choose arise spontaneously. Readers of my blog in the form of an e-book can even get the impression of chaos. Perhaps in the future, when we get past this period of fooling people by corrupt politicians and corrupt media, I will publish a more structured version on specific topics. In the next few days I’ll be breaking the e-book up into years so you don’t have to load the whole thing every time I write a new article. If only there weren’t too many of these year-round pieces!

As you may have noticed, I have tried many times in this blog to show the plan behind the events of the last few years and not just the last few. In my opinion, both the attitude that everything that happens is a consistent implementation of the plan, and the opposite, that it is the result of random events, both ways of looking at the world are seriously flawed.

Let’s start with the latter attitude, because behind the actually planned events it is easy to show a plan. If anyone today still believes that the consistent portrayal of the Covid pandemic by the media around the world is just a fluke, I am sorry that they have learned nothing from the tragic history of recent years. When politicians around the world, on every continent, use the same words and arguments, it can’t be a coincidence.

Your best plans will not be thwarted by just one Aries, but a whole herd of Aries is another matter.

On the other hand, is it possible to elaborate a plan to change the world in detail and implement it at any cost? Of course not. Such a tactic would lead to failure at the first unforeseen event. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly make corrections and adapt the next steps to the current situation.

At the recently concluded WEF meeting in Davos, a one-man Chinese delegation represented by Special Envoy on Climate Change Xie Zhenhua caused consternation among the audience. Mr. Xie demonstratively got up and left during the President of Ukraine’s Internet speech.

Also, the WHO’s attempt to take over the world is more after Brazil, 47 African nations, a recent US law requiring the US Senate to ratify every pandemic WHO policy, and the negative stance of China, Russia, India, South Africa, Iran and Malaysia must finally derail this dangerous project. The links except the last one is in German.

Given these facts, the theory I advanced in A Strange War that China, Russia, and the United States colluded in the war in Ukraine becomes increasingly unrealistic in the face of these facts.

Another very serious scratch in the plans of the globalists are the autumn elections in the USA. Unless they can think of something like vote-rigging, a UFO invasion, or nuclear war, both House and the US Senate will pass into the hands of Donald Trump’s Republican supporters later this year.

I want to explain to you why I’m not afraid of nuclear war? Destroying the world is not so impossible. It’s just… I have a choice between living what’s left of us before it could possibly happen, in a nightmare of fear, or just dismissing the threat and using the time to, for example, find interesting topics to share with you could share . I have no control over the trajectory of the missile trajectory with or without nuclear warheads, so I don’t bother.

I realize that for many people fear is stronger than all arguments, but whether we are afraid is only up to us to decide – not these “them”.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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