185. NATO as a guarantor of peace?
185. NATO as a guarantor of peace?

185. NATO as a guarantor of peace?

Vienna 2/27/2022

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I recently came across an interview by Swiss historian and philosopher Daniele Ganser on the role of NATO and the US in major world events.

The film was recorded in German in 2016. I’ll briefly outline what he said:

Chronological History of Selected US and NATO “Peace Operations”:

  1. 1948 CIA rigged elections in Italy;
  2. 1950 US bomb Korea;
  3. 1953 US overthrows government in Iran;
  4. 1954 US overthrows government in Guatemala;
  5. 1961 unsuccessful attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro’s government in Cuba. Bay of Pigs invasion;
  6. 1964 The US begins bombing Vietnam under the false pretense of a Tonkin provocation. 11 years of war – three million dead;
  7. On September 11, 1973, the United States overthrew the government of Salvador Allende in Chile. General Pinochet cracked down on opposition activists after a bloody coup by throwing them off a plane into the Pacific Ocean;
  8. 1979 The CIA supports the mujahedeen in Afghanistan. The US supplies them with missile weapons against Soviet helicopters and planes;
  9. 1979 The US helps Saddam Hussein take power in Iraq. First, Hussein called a party meeting, at which he read out a list of names of people who might have interfered with his ruthless dictatorship. These people were taken out by security. The fate of most of them remains unknown to this day;
  10. In the 1980s, the US supports and organizes Taliban fighters and al-Qaeda to fight against the Russian military;
  11. 1980 The US supports Hussein in the war against Iran. American arms were sold to both Iraq and Iran;
  12. 1986 NATO bombed Libya. The missiles were launched from British territory;
  13. 1989 December – US invasion of Panama;
  14. 1991 After Iraqi troops invade Kuwait, the US bombs Iraq. American politicians had previously allowed Hussein to settle local conflicts as he pleased;
  15. 1996 Madeleine Albright – the US representative to the United Nations – when asked by journalists about the legitimacy of the sanctions against Iraq that resulted in the deaths of half a million children, said yes, they were justified;
  16. On March 24, 1999, NATO illegally bombed Serbia. False information about Serbian concentration camps was spread in the media;
  17. On September 11, 2001, the as yet unsolved attacks on the WTC in New York became the cause of the twenty-year war in Afghanistan. And the beginning of the so-called wars on terrorism. Again on September 11 (see point 7). Could this day of the year mean more for the CIA? At the same time, another “terrorist” attack in the US using anthrax from US military labs;
  18. 2003 based on an Nayirah testimony, war with Iraq. Over a million dead;
  19. 2011 The attack on Libya by the US, France and Britain and the assassination of Muammar al-Gaddafi;
  20. 2011 Beginning of the war in Syria. The CIA has invested $1 billion to overthrow the legitimate Assad government. Operation Timber Sycamore;
  21. 2014 Beginning of the war in Ukraine. A US covert operation to overthrow the government of Ukraine and replace it with another that will support Ukraine’s efforts to join NATO. The cost of the operation is $5 billion.
It was said that Putin got out of bed with his left foot one morning and decided to occupy some territories around the Black Sea.

The list of such peacetime exploits of the Defense Pact is much larger. Only those that have been researched by historians are mentioned. Let’s think about that when we hear about the peace and defense nature of the North Atlantic Treaty mission. In fact, NATO is the greatest threat to world peace in human history.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama ordered the bombing of seven countries in the last year of his presidency – 2016:

  1. Afghanistan;
  2. Pakistan;
  3. Yemen;
  4. Iraq;
  5. Somalia;
  6. Syria;
  7. Libya.
Now it’s enough with your fantasized Nazi symbols!
When will the new NATO_HEADQUARTERS in Brussels finally be demolished?
It is strongly reminiscent to the Waffen SS

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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