686. Destroy the WHO!
686. Destroy the WHO!

686. Destroy the WHO!

Vienna 05/25/2024

Entire blog as a free PDF eBook.

After almost four weeks of silence due to serious health problems and, above all, great weakness, I am writing articles on the blog again.

Next week in Geneva there will be a vote on the WHO pandemic treaty and important changes to the International Health Regulations (IHR). This is how globalists implement their plans.

Two years ago, in the Johns Hopkins University article, I presented Klaus Schwab’s famous statement:

The big reset attempt was and is being carried out on many levels:

  • C19 – a false pandemic that has been carefully planned for many years;
  • The lie of global warming .- CO2 exhalation tax;
  • Genocide through the use of mRNA preparations;
  • Destruction of the economy through health lockdowns;
  • Manipulation of elections by corrupt media;
  • Creating puppet governments through corruption and supporting incompetent people dependent on globalists;
  • Corruption among parliamentarians;
  • Media defamation – destruction of people with different views. Censorship;
  • Introduction of centralized digital money for complete control;
  • Attack on family values through LGBT, gender and sexual indoctrination of minors;
  • Eine Reihe von Kriegen; Die Ukraine, Gaza und die nächsten, die mit dem Iran vorbereitet wurden, in Georgien und dem Krieg um Taiwan;
  • The WHO’s attempt to take over the world by imposing global health and climate control;
  • Restriction of mobility – 15-minute cities, ban on the production of internal combustion engines;
  • Targeted migration to Europe and the USA for the purpose of social destabilization;
  • Introduction of a digital global identity document for complete control of societies;
  • Poisoned and genetically modified foods; Insects and chitin compounds in food;
  • Influencing the weather, causing weather anomalies and earthquakes – HAARP. The same system was used for the Northern Lights recently observed around the world.

I certainly haven’t listed all the aspects of this war between a group of oligarchs and the entire world. Most of these activities are said to be carried out under the guise of “for the good of humanity”.

I would like to present an interesting article (source) that was published on Friday on the Swiss platform Uncut-News.

The mRNA gnocide must finally come to an end and the only sensible, 100% effective and safe way to prevent another criminal epidemic is to immediately break the WHO into a thousand pieces.

I would add a few more organizations like the WEF (Klaus Schwab Economic Forum) and also the UN. Of course we need a platform for meetings of state representatives. However, certainly not one in which the Liberum Veto (the right of the five privileged founding states of the United Nations to veto Security Council resolutions) can and does block many political initiatives.

I fully support the claim that the alleged COVID pandemic was primarily an RT-PCR testing pandemic! The recognition of the PCR test as a happy medium that replaces medical diagnosis lacked any scientific basis. Polymerase chain reaction technology is ideal for scientific research to analyze ribonucleic acid samples. However, it fails as a diagnostic technique on many fronts.

How are we supposed to recognize villains in real life?
If only they would dress in some way so they could be recognized.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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