372. If I were a rich man
372. If I were a rich man

372. If I were a rich man

Vienna 02/07/2023

Entire blog as a PDF eBook.

I realize I might lose some readers after publishing this article. However, I don’t think it’s worth giving up my own beliefs in order to gain a larger audience. Today I want to write about generalizations.

If someone starts the sentence “all Jews are”… then a red lamp lights up for me. A light source as big as our sun! It doesn’t matter whether they are Jews, Russians, Arabs or other nationalities. There is no sack so big that a whole nation could be thrown into it.

If I answer right or wrong, when you’re rich, they think you really know. – Anatevka.

Of course there are common Jews who want to benefit from the Holocaust and whose victims have nothing to do with them. However, this does not apply to all Jews in the world. When I was in Israel three years ago, late January, early February 2020, I met people like the average Smith in USA who were also outraged by this shameless demand on Poland. It was they who pointed out to me that among the “Righteous Nations of the World,” as they call people who risked their lives to defend ordinary Jews, Poles were the most numerous. Believe me, moments like this are worth more than any money in the world. I can be proud to belong to the Polish nation that did not give up during the cruel times of World War II.

Every nation, including what the collapsing Western cultures call a primitive nation, contributes much to the achievements of human civilization. Yes, the culture of the Amazon Indians, Aborigines in Australia, Chinese healing methods or Indian Ajuwerda are capable of curing the diseases of modern civilization against which Rockefeller’s mainly chemical-based medicine is powerless. This also applies to your behavior in all other areas of life. If we were more open to what they wish to pass on to us, we would gain invaluable knowledge passed down to them from hundreds of generations.

I’m glad I was born in Poland. In a country with such a beautiful history. Few know that in the 16th century Poland was one of the few European countries where Jews were not discriminated against. At that time, this nation was forced to be baptized in Spain. I see nothing wrong with baptism if it is voluntary. A forced belief is not a belief – it is a forced submission. Back then, not only witches were burned at the stake in Germany.

If anyone thinks that by supporting the Jewish people I am supporting Israel’s policies, they should consider whether such a simplistic, fundamentally false statement makes sense. For me, the tragedy of the Palestinians is no less important than the tragedy of the Ukrainian people, who have been put in this situation by the corrupt and US-dependent Ukrainian government.

When I lived in Poland during the People’s Republic of Poland, I didn’t feel responsible for Polish politics at all. Now living in Austria I am also outraged by the actions of politicians trying to ruin a seemingly neutral Austria both economically and politically.

Jedwabne/Poland: On July 10, 2001, on the 60th anniversary of the crime committed by the Germans in Jedwabne, the President of the Republic of Poland, Aleksander Kwaśniewski, a graduate of Young Global Leaders (Klaus Schwab’s forge of totalitarian talent), apologized to the Jews on behalf of the Polish nation for the German genocide.

July 10, 1941 Jedwabne “One cannot be proud of the greatness of Polish history without feeling pain and shame for the evil that Poles have done to others.” As you can see, history can be rewritten, with the facts are ignored and the ban on exhumation makes it difficult to find the truth.

A year later, Aleksander Kwaśniewski awarded Klaus Schwab the Commander’s Cross:

Monitor Polski publishes all laws and regulations, including the award of the Commander’s Cross to Klaus Schwab.

Globalists are not infallible. Thay didn’t foresee the situation shown in the picture below:

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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