649. Taurus – the miracle weapon
649. Taurus – the miracle weapon

649. Taurus – the miracle weapon

Ostrzeszów/Poland 03/02/2024

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The Taurus is designed to combat stationary point and area targets. The tandem warhead enables it to penetrate even heavily developed bunkers: When it hits, a pre-hollow charge blows up a gap in the bunker wall through which the downstream penetrator penetrates into the interior. The pre-hollow charge is controlled by a laser sensor, while the penetrator sensor reacts to the penetration resistance. This should make it possible to penetrate several floors within the bunker until the detonation is triggered. The Taurus is able to approach the target at various angles, including very flat ones. Source.

The miracle weapon was supposed to save the Third Reich from collapse. Today it is said to be a miraculous salvation for Ukraine. The credibility of the Russian media is not significantly different from that of the Western media. The editor-in-chief of the Sputnik agency, Margarita Simonjan, published an conversation between high-ranking German officials in which the possibility of another attack on the Crimean bridge was discussed. Source.

We all know that they want to destroy the bridge, what that ultimately means, how they protect it – not only because it has important military and strategic importance, but also politically. This once again confirms how big the discrepancy is between political propaganda and what is happening behind the scenes.

This bridge in Crimea was the target of an attack a year and a half ago.

Another, fortunately unsuccessful attempt to trigger a global armed conflict – this time by Macron – shows the globalists’ panicked reaction to the lost war in Ukraine.

Providing more and more weapons to bring peace?
Works great!
Now let’s also donate cakes to anyone who wants to lose weight!
And a drink for alcoholics to stay sober!

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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