542. Pandemic of the unvaccinated
542. Pandemic of the unvaccinated

542. Pandemic of the unvaccinated

Ostrzeszów/Poland 10/05/2023

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Today I show you a video that reminds you how they tried to “convince” those who were hesitant to take the elixir of happiness that is falsely called the Covid vaccine. I took the title of this article from this film.

..to one of the largest theaters, if not the largest in the world. Performed simultaneously in all languages and all over the world. Source.

Today we perceive these attempts to manipulate public opinion differently. While two years ago the globalists’ immediate goal was to convince as many people as possible to take shots, the goal changed immediately after they provoked Russia into war. Now Putin is to blame for everything, not the unvaccinated people. The methods are the same, just a small correction.

Map of unvaccinated people in the world. October 4, 2023 The number of people of all ages who have not taken a single dose of the elixir. Source.

The map above shows the absolute number of unvaccinated people in each country. That’s why India is a leader here. India didn’t have the crazy zero Covid policy like China did.

An Italian court lifted the suspension of unvaccinated workers over 50 in September. The right to work is enshrined in the constitution and the income from it is the basis of life for many. Source in Italian.

Tell me the truth. I’m ready to listen to her.

You fell for the greatest propaganda trick in the world. It’s extremely embarrassing to see you like this.

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Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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